Setting Goals During a Pandemic

April 7, 2020

It can be difficult to imagine that we can set goals during these tough times but it is possible. Our world is changing. Drastically. With all of the novel political and professional changes, restrictions, new routines, and procedures, we have to forecast that some of those changes will be permanent. Even after things restore, whenever that happens to be, some of the amendments that have been applied may become the norm. Setting goals during a pandemic can alleviate some anxiety.

Long term goals can surround having a nest egg for six months to a year. It is also important to maintain good stock of survival goods at all times. We can resolve to set a daily schedule so things do not get mundane. Starting each day off with prayer, meditation, yoga, a fresh cup of coffee/tea, or reading a page of a good devotional book are great habits. Eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner around the same time and testing out some new recipes is another suggestion.

It is also beneficial to make time to go on regular walks or exercise in your home gym. We can also use this time to let go of the thought of how stressful the unknown is. We should aim to focus on positive things and the things we can control.

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There has been many life-altering changes for us consumers. For the sake of mitigating the spread of the coronavirus, only what are considered essential businesses are open for service. Many corporations and small businesses have allowed their employees to work from home. This wave can trigger leaders and managers to allow their employees to continue to work from home permanently and update their organizational cultures.

Working from home brings many benefits such as being able to sleep in and saving on gas and vehicle maintenance fees. You can even save on auto insurance by updating the annual miles you drive if you work remotely full time. Some people enjoy working in their pajamas on days where no video-based meetings are scheduled. Some downfalls, depending on the perspective, is the low social interaction and inability to build the morale.

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Primary and secondary school e-learning may also become a normal thing in our near future. Many parents are overwhelmed with the added responsibility of becoming teachers but there is hope. It is critical to be patient with children in order to foster their development.

If teaching is simply not for you, there are many free tutor services available to aid with difficult subject matters and assignments. This also encourages children to develop their researching skills to seek aid themselves. Ask your child’s teacher or guidance counselor for credible resources within their school district.

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What is one specific goal you have set to help you get through this season?

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