Annual Review

December 13, 2023

photo of man holding white paper

It is nearly the end of another calendar year. This is the optimal time to reflect, plan, budget, and forecast for the new year and beyond. Just like big corporations complete annual reviews, set new budgets, and make decisions in anticipation of a productive and profitable new fiscal year, we too can mirror the same concept in our everyday lives.

You don’t have to make a rigid list of New Year’s Resolutions, per se. Studies already show that New Year’s Resolutions are typically created through societal pressures versus authentic means. As a result, most people seldom follow through with those goals. Minimalism is about doing more with less and living an intentional, organized, and productive life.

Mediate on your life’s purpose and direction. Joining your local church or spiritual organization would be a meaningful pathway on that journey. Volunteer for a charity of your choosing. Take a course on a subject you want to challenge yourself in. Analyze your family dynamic and the career and life paths people are on for additional inspiration.

“It always seems impossible until it’s done.” – Nelson Mandela

Create an annual budget/expense spreadsheet in Excel. There are many templates to choose from and personalize. I
typically make a habit of editing and reviewing my current year’s annual spreadsheet monthly. I make decisions and changes every quarter as well as on an annual basis, as needed. It aids me to stay on track in real-time and not just as a trend with the rest of the world.

Don’t underestimate your power to meet your goals. Create SMART goals, which is an acronym for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. Set your bar and standards high. You will be amazed at what you can do!

“Success in management requires learning as fast as the world is changing.” – Warren Bennis

What are the top three mileposts you are aiming to reach by next year?

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