Motherhood is Alluring

February 21, 2021

When asked how I view motherhood, I often reply that I feel it is the closest analogy to understanding how much God loves me. Our beautiful toddler son, Judah, is an incredible child. He is jovial, smart, and independent. Motherhood has given me a great deal of joy, education, and lifelong memories thus far. A few key experiences worth sharing are:


There was no doubt in my mind that I would breastfeed my baby. A mother’s breast milk is filled with antioxidants, healing power, and nutrients. My health insurance company provided breastfeeding classes. I felt empowered and excited. We even had baby dolls to make the experience real and perfect the different positions such as the football and the cradle position. I was able to pump as soon as I had my son. Breastfeeding was smooth and natural. My baby latched on like a pro and I alternated between breastfeeding and pumping.

So it seemed. A few weeks later, I noticed that my milk supply was not abundant. As my son’s nutritional needs increased, my milk supply did not. To remedy the situation, I rented a hospital-grade breast pump. That did not help at all. I also ate lactation cookies and increased my water intake significantly. Nothing. I later accepted that my milk supply was done. Just like that.

I never considered that my body would let me down like that. I thought I had complete control over my milk supply. It was a notable lesson. I am grateful I was able to breastfeed Judah for the short duration nonetheless. I enjoyed our bonding during that time. It allowed me to be present and engaged with him. I encourage all mothers to breastfeed for as long as they can.

My First Mother’s Day!

Judah’s Schedule

Although ever-changing, Judah has a pretty regular routine. His sleep schedule is smooth. Since he was about four months old, he has been taking daily three to four-hour naps. Plus he goes down for the night by 7pm! Miraculous right?! We are so blessed. On top of that, he self-soothes. No toys, paci, or rocking necessary.

His eating habits have gradually been less and less picky. He enjoys home-cooked meals such as Haitian food and lasagna. Playtime is Montessori-style for the most part. His cognitive development has been strong and steady. We went on daily walks, weather-permitting, more regularly before the pandemic. Now, we squeeze them in when we can. He also has regular play dates with my girlfriend’s son and we get some girl time in as well. Walks are important because it allows baby to get some fresh air, savor the scenery and see other people. Water and snacks for the both of us are a must. Our jogging stroller is helpful, especially on rough terrain.

Her children shall rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her.

Proverbs 31:28


Our sweet boy has been on several national flights already! He sleeps well throughout the flights and eats on schedule but as he has gotten older, he’s been a bit more demanding. He also has a passport but we are waiting for a safer climate before any international travel. When traveling with a small child it helps to feed them as close to travel time as possible to prevent fussiness. I also find that it’s beneficial to give children a pacifier/bottle/sippy cup to mitigate ear pain during take-off, landing, and in high altitudes.

I welcome the future joys and woes of motherhood with open arms and a patient heart. I pray that God continues to equip me with everything I need to put my best foot forward.

Mamas, how would you describe motherhood in one word?

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