

Motherhood is Alluring

When asked how I view motherhood, I often reply that I feel it is the closest analogy to understanding how much God loves me. Our beautiful toddler son, Judah, is an incredible child. He is jovial, smart, and independent. Motherhood has given me a great deal of joy, education, and lifelong memories thus far. A few key experiences worth sharing are: Breastfeeding There was no doubt in my mind that I would breastfeed my baby. A mother’s breast milk is...

Letter of Advice

Dear Couples, My advice to you for a healthy relationship is to practice communicating effectively, to self-disclose often, develop strategies for listening to each other, place God in the center of your relationship, manage interpersonal conflicts, among other things in order to maintain a great understanding of each other. Effective interpersonal interaction is a rewarding way to establish a healthy relationship. Having a sense of self-concept, who we are, aids us in interpersonal relationships. When we understand what drives our...

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