Seven Things To Do Before Settling Down

It is important that we become strong and whole individuals for various reasons. It is also paramount that we have a healthy grip on our sense of self-concept before we settle down with a mate. Doing so aids us in putting our best foot forward. Seven Things To Do Before Settling Down Travel Traveling is one expense that makes one richer. Richer in awareness. Richer in cultural competency. Richer in a healthy mindset. Learning how other people live within various...

2020: A Year of Cancelled Plans

We can all agree that 2020 has been tumultuous so far. The coronavirus pandemic is impacting almost every area of our lives. The unemployment rate in the United States is at an all-time high. Black lives matter. We have a unique figure as Commander in Chief. Ultimately, we all need therapy. This year is a year of cancelled plans. We have to shelter-in-place. Many of our favorite dine-in restaurants, museums, theaters, and other places of interest are either closed or...

Benefits of Taking a Gap Year in a Pandemic

Many recent high school graduates find themselves at a crossroad while deciding on their future academic journey. A gap year, also known as a sabbatical year, is one that is taken before or after college/university where students explore numerous developmental activities. Commonly, students travel nationally and/or internationally to heighten their intercultural knowledge. They learn several trades like art, sports, and music. They also develop novel skill sets. Taking a gap year in a pandemic prohibits exercising many adventures freely but...

Conversations with a Front Line Nurse

My dear friend makes a sacrificial decision to care for the ill each shift. Her grit, compassion, and passion for her vocation inspires me and others for sure. Not to mention, she beat breast cancer like a soldier. Kedly Desliens is a travel Intensive Care nurse currently contracted in San Jose, CA. I decided it would be enlightening for her to share her reality and fears about working as a front line nurse during this pandemic. What do you Enjoy...

The Seven Key Areas of Home Economics

When most people recollect home economics class, they remember building a birdhouse or parenting a lifelike baby that cried and wet their diaper. Although home economics is no longer a widely offered course, it is an important field of study. Mainstream public school curriculum, especially in the western hemisphere, lack the inclusion of pertinent life skills that a course such as home economics offers. The goal of home economics or family and consumer science as it is referred as now,...

Setting Goals During a Pandemic

It can be difficult to imagine that we can set goals during these tough times but it is possible. Our world is changing. Drastically. With all of the novel political and professional changes, restrictions, new routines, and procedures, we have to forecast that some of those changes will be permanent. Even after things restore, whenever that happens to be, some of the amendments that have been applied may become the norm. Setting goals during a pandemic can alleviate some anxiety....

Ways to Cope with the COVID-19 Pandemic

Experiencing a pandemic as life-threatening as the coronavirus can give anyone severe anxiety. So much is unknown. How much longer will we have to deal with this? How many more deaths will there be? What will result from long periods of isolation/social distancing? Anxiety in these times is completely normal. There are many manners we can combat the uncertainties of this pandemic. Ways to Cope with the COVID-19 Pandemic Mitigate the amount of news you watch. Watch the news to...

Traits of an Alpha Male/Female

There are a few myths behind defining people with alpha personalities. One serious myth about having an alpha personality is that the person has to be outlandish. People with alpha personalities typically are congenial and down to earth. After all, they do not have to try to be alphas. They are simply made that way. Being an alpha male or an alpha female should not be a person’s life goal. We should all aim to be the best version of...

How to be More Organized

When it comes to organization, there is a saying that goes: Organizing is what you do before you do something, so that when you do it, it is not all mixed up. -A.A. Milne Personally, I am at my best when things and my life, in general, are organized. It helps me concentrate, plan and execute tasks clearly. I enjoy creating To Do lists, scheduling things on my calendar, and regularly doing an inventory of things to see what I...

Date Ideas From A to Z

Date nights are refreshing and necessary! I love going on double dates as well! We always have a great time together with lots of intense laughs. One recent double date was to Wild Animal Safari in Pine Mountain, GA. We found it on Groupon. It is a drive-thru safari with over 75 animal species on 500 acres. At the Welcome Center, we purchased cups of dry, grain-based, generic animal food then daringly drove through the park. Most of the animals...

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