

How to Maximize Your Time

As we close in on year 2020, we can all agree that we feel we either have had a lot of or not enough time. Time is a non-renewable resource. Many of us have realized that we need to maximize our time. Worldwide lock downs and curfews, unemployment, among many other disruptions have given us extra time. How we spend it is paramount. Five Ways to Maximize Your Time One of the best ways to maximize your time is to...

Conversations with a Front Line Nurse

My dear friend makes a sacrificial decision to care for the ill each shift. Her grit, compassion, and passion for her vocation inspires me and others for sure. Not to mention, she beat breast cancer like a soldier. Kedly Desliens is a travel Intensive Care nurse currently contracted in San Jose, CA. I decided it would be enlightening for her to share her reality and fears about working as a front line nurse during this pandemic. What do you Enjoy...

Ways to Cope with the COVID-19 Pandemic

Experiencing a pandemic as life-threatening as the coronavirus can give anyone severe anxiety. So much is unknown. How much longer will we have to deal with this? How many more deaths will there be? What will result from long periods of isolation/social distancing? Anxiety in these times is completely normal. There are many manners we can combat the uncertainties of this pandemic. Ways to Cope with the COVID-19 Pandemic Mitigate the amount of news you watch. Watch the news to...

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